Condolence Statement by Serbian Patriarch Porfirije

Published On: 15/03/2024

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch kyr Porfirije has extended the condolences at the passing-away of the Bulgarian Patriarch Neophyte, which read as follows:

Having received the news of the repose of Our beloved brother in Christ, Patriarch Neophyte of blessed memory, We are deeply saddened, but We do not grieve as those who have no hope (cf. 1 Thess. 4:13), having unwavering faith in the Resurrection.

On behalf of the Hierarchs, clergy, monastics, and faithful people of the Serbian Orthodox Church, as well as on Our own behalf, We express condolences to the Holy Synod, clergy, and all the pious people of the sisterly Bulgarian Orthodox Church at the passing-away of this great First-Hierarch.

The life journey of Patriarch Neophyte of blessed memory, filled with prayerful praises to Almighty God, was a type of rule of faith amidst our daily spiritual and societal challenges. As a Christ-loving and Christ-bearing High Priest, he wisely steered the ship of the local Church entrusted to him, in hope that this restless world would finally be brought to the peaceful haven of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, We consider his repose a great loss not only for the Bulgarian Church but also for the pleroma of Orthodoxy.

The paternal love and philanthropy which characterized Patriarch Neophyte assures us that those who knew him, although overwhelmed with grief, will reciprocate through prayers for the repose of his soul. On this mournful day, the Serbian Church joins their prayers.

May our Lord Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life (Jn. 11:25), give rest to the soul of His newly departed servant Patriarch Neophyte in the place of the righteous, where there is no sickness, sorrow, nor sighing, but life eternal, and where the true light is already shining (1 Jn. 2:8).

May his memory be eternal and blessed!

Archbishop of Peć

Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and

Serbian Patriarch



Holy Liturgy for the departed and Funeral Service for the Bulgarian Patriarch and Metropolitan of Sofia Neophyte of blessed memory will be served tomorrow, on 16 March 2024, at 9:30 a.m., at the Patriarchal Cathedral of Saint Alexander Nevsky. After the service, the body of the late Patriarch will be transferred to the Cathedral of Saint Nedelya, where the funeral will take place.On behalf of the Serbian Orthodox Church Their Graces Bishops Ilarion of Timok and Arsenije of Niš will take prayerful part in the Holy Liturgy and Funeral Service.